About Us


Happiness through playing guitar


Guitarworks was established in 2010 from a humble beginning. We offer private guitar lessons in Singapore across all levels in a home based environment.

Business Registration Number (UEN): 53163214L

About Teacher Alan

Guitar lessons Singapore Teacher Alan

Guitarworks is founded by Alan Chen, who is the sole guitar instructor. He has been playing the guitar since 2002, enjoys teaching and listening to music. Since Guitarworks inception in 2010, Alan has over 14 years of full time teaching experience spanning across over 350 students. Over the years, Alan has realized that playing the guitar well does not necessarily equate to being a good teacher. He has been paying more attention to students needs through careful observation before giving detailed inputs. During lessons, Alan also enjoys building relationships with students and creating a light hearted environment. He hopes to help his students find happiness through playing the guitar.

Guitar Lessons Singapore


private guitar lessons singapore

Private Guitar Lessons Singapore


I believe in encouraging people
I believe I need to be encouraged too
I believe in being patient towards people who are trying their best
I believe in creating a safe environment for people to fail and make mistakes
I believe in mistakes, it is part of growth
I believe mistakes is life's greatest teacher
I believe I am human, I make mistakes too
I believe in correction, not condemnation
I believe its never too late to start something new in life
I believe having the right attitude is more important than being talented
I believe in having a dream, it need not necessarily be big
I believe the secret to a happy life is contentment and gratefulness
I believe contentment is learning to recognize the things you already have, not what you do not
I believe maturity is an ongoing process, not a destination
I believe the pain you have experienced in life will help someone to heal one day
I believe pain helps us see the world with a different set of lenses
I believe pain teaches us to embrace humanity better
I believe pain is necessary
I believe acceptance comes first before change
I believe in hope, empathy and compassion
I believe we need to define our success before the world defines it for us
I believe the life you live is a greater testament than the words you speak
I believe a tree is known by its fruits
I believe we should never look down on people
I believe our value in life is determined by how much we give, not how much we get
I believe we are made an original, don't try to be someone else
I believe in being yourself, uniquely you, and there is no shame about it
I believe we should continue to be kind, even when we are met with unkindness
I believe there is no need to step on others in order to proof you are better
I believe it takes courage to admit we are not always right
I believe we do not need all the answers to life, we just need what is enough
I believe the grass is always greener wherever you choose to water it
I believe everyone has the need to be heard and listened to
I believe you can put a price tag to a skill set, but never to character
I believe in respecting people for their values even when they may differ significantly from yours
I believe knowing the truth can be hard, but a half truth or lie is way worse

Guitar lessons Singapore Teacher Alan

Guitar lessons Singapore Teacher Alan

Guitar lessons Singapore Teacher Alan

Guitar lessons Singapore Teacher Alan

Guitar lessons Singapore Teacher Alan

Guitar lessons Singapore Teacher Alan

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